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Computers in the Library

All branch­es have com­put­ers that allow access to the following:

  • Inter­net
  • Word pro­cess­ing
  • Spread­sheet and pre­sen­ta­tion software
  • Online resources
  • GALILEO (Geor­gia Library Learn­ing Online) a statewide net­work of databases

Most branch­es have assis­tive tech­nol­o­gy to help patrons with dis­abil­i­ties use library computers.


  • Please do not recon­fig­ure the com­put­er or down­load to library com­put­ers. Com­put­er equip­ment and library fur­ni­ture must not be moved or adjust­ed. You will be held respon­si­ble for any dam­age caused by neglect or inten­tion­al abuse of library computers.
  • Attach­ing your own com­put­er or device to the Library’s net­work is not allowed. 
  • Fed­er­al copy­right restric­tions apply to com­put­er use.
  • The Library assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty for any machin­ery or soft­ware fail­ure or for pow­er out­ages and any sub­se­quent loss or dam­age to your work or property.

Youth Ser­vices Computers

Kid­sTech com­put­ers are spe­cial­ly des­ig­nat­ed for chil­dren ages 511 and are locat­ed in the children’s depart­ment at nine branch­es. These com­put­ers are fil­tered to a greater degree than the adult com­put­ers and offer an oppor­tu­ni­ty for chil­dren to use their own” com­put­ers in a com­fort­able, safe envi­ron­ment. Kid­sTech com­put­ers are cur­rent­ly avail­able at Cham­blee, Decatur, Dun­woody, Embry Hills, Hair­ston Cross­ing, North­lake-Bar­bara Loar, Redan-Trot­ti, Salem Panola, Scott Can­dler, Stonecrest, Stone Moun­tain-Sue Kel­logg, Toco Hill-Avis G. Williams, Tuck­er-Reid H. Cofer, and Wes­ley Chapel-William C. Brown Libraries.

Teen­Tech com­put­ers are spe­cial­ly des­ig­nat­ed for teens ages 1217. They are locat­ed in the Teen Area in branch­es through­out the coun­ty. Teen­Tech com­put­ers are avail­able at Hair­ston Cross­ing, North­lake-Bar­bara Loar, Salem Panola, Scott Can­dler, Stonecrest, Toco Hill-Avis G. Williams and Tuck­er-Reid H. Cofer Libraries.

Com­put­er FAQ

Com­put­er use is on a first-come, first-served basis. No advance reser­va­tions are accepted.

We use an auto­mat­ed sys­tem to man­age the com­put­er wait­ing list. Please check the post­ed instruc­tions to find out how to add your name to the list and how you will be noti­fied when a com­put­er is available.

No! Guest pass­es are avail­able if you do not have a card. 

If need­ed, staff can pro­vide your library card num­ber or reset your PIN when you show your pho­to identification.

Your com­put­er ses­sion will last one hour. Each card­hold­er can use a com­put­er for a max­i­mum of five one-hour ses­sions per day.

Guests may use a com­put­er for two one-hour ses­sions per day.

You will receive a warn­ing mes­sage when your com­put­er time is end­ing. Please fin­ish your work prompt­ly, as you will be logged off auto­mat­i­cal­ly when your ses­sion time ends.

If you want to print, please ask staff about adding mon­ey to your account before your ses­sion begins. There is a 15¢ per page cost for black and white print­ing. Col­or print­ing is 50¢ per page (where avail­able). You must pay for all print­ed pages, so please check the num­ber of pages in advance. 

If you are a library card hold­er, you may pay for prints with either check or cash. Guest pass users must pay for prints in cash only. 

You may down­load files to a remov­able stor­age device, such as a flash dri­ve. Some branch­es have flash dri­ves avail­able for pur­chase; please check with your local library for avail­abil­i­ty and pricing. 

We’re hap­py to help with basic com­put­er ques­tions. For more com­plex queries, fill out the Book-A-Librar­i­an form to request an appoint­ment for extra help, or check out our Com­put­er Train­ing Help page for self-guid­ed com­put­er training.

Inter­net access is avail­able to every­one. Sev­er­al branch­es offer spe­cial­ly des­ig­nat­ed com­put­ers for chil­dren age 5 to 11 and teens age 12 to 17. We strong­ly encour­age par­ents to mon­i­tor their children’s use of the Inter­net to ensure that it is con­sis­tent with their fam­i­ly val­ues and boundaries.

In com­pli­ance with the fed­er­al Children’s Inter­net Pro­tec­tion Act, we use a con­tent fil­ter to block access to sites that are in vio­la­tion of the Library’s Inter­net Use Pol­i­cy.

We have a vari­ety of resources avail­able to help with research, which con­tain valu­able infor­ma­tion not freely avail­able on the Inter­net, including:

Ref­er­ence librar­i­ans are avail­able to answer brief ques­tions by request. Sub­ject Guides on var­i­ous top­ics that con­tain resources rec­om­mend­ed by library staff are also available.

You can access most library resources and GALILEO data­bas­es from your home or office com­put­er. You will need your library card and PIN.
