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Copiers and Typewriters


  • Coin-oper­at­ed pho­to­copiers are main­tained for the con­ve­nience of library patrons and are locat­ed in all branch­es. Most machines have enlarge­ment and reduc­tion fea­tures. Avail­able copy sizes are 8 12″ x 11″ (let­ter) and 8 12″ x 14″ (legal).
  • Copies are 15¢ per page. A max­i­mum of $2.00 in change is avail­able per person.
  • Accord­ing to copy­right law these machines are con­sid­ered unsu­per­vised and the Library takes no respon­si­bil­i­ty for what patrons may wish to copy. In accor­dance with the law, all machines dis­play promi­nent­ly a notice that states: The Copy­right Law of the Unit­ed States (Title 17, U.S. Code) gov­erns the mak­ing of pho­to­copies of copy­right­ed mate­r­i­al. The per­son using this machine is liable for any infringement.”
  • Decatur has sev­er­al micro­form read­er print­ers, includ­ing machines which can dis­play and make prints of 35 mm and 16 mm roll micro­film, 16 mm micro­film car­tridges, and microfiche.


  • Type­writ­ers are avail­able at these branch­es. There is no charge for the use of type­writ­ers. Use is on a first-come, first-served basis.

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