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Apply Online For a Card

If you’ve mis­placed or are unable to use your cur­rent library card, please call a library branch. If you have a card, but for­got your PIN, click here to reset your PIN.

Online library cards are avail­able to any DeKalb Coun­ty res­i­dent. To do so, click Apply Now below. After com­plet­ing the card application:

  • Record your tem­po­rary barcode!
  • To receive full access, vis­it a library branch to com­plete your reg­is­tra­tion with­in 30 days.

For full details and con­di­tions, please read our Library Cards page.

Click­ing on the Apply Now’ but­ton indi­cates agree­ment with the fol­low­ing conditions:

  • I will abide by Library poli­cies and procedures.
  • I am a res­i­dent of DeKalb County. 
  • I do not already have a DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library card.
  • If I am under 13 years of age, I will ask my par­ent or guardian to assist me in pre-registering. 
  • I under­stand that I must vis­it a DeKalb Coun­ty Pub­lic Library branch with a pho­to ID and proof of DeKalb Coun­ty Address with­in 30 days to com­plete my library card registration.

You may also vis­it your local library branch to apply for a card in per­son. You will be asked to show accept­able ID.